New Mexico is a sacred land with deep native american roots and majestic natural wonders. H.I. wellness retreats are a chance to disconnect from the stresses of the outside world and reset your inner light. Our excursions focus on combining sacred healing techniques of the land with a therapeutic quenching to connect the wild and healing sanctuary of New Mexico. Inhale the fresh mountain air and exhale any heavy energy as we invite you to slow down and journey with us through a discovery to emerge refreshed and reinvigorated.
Entering the Mandala: The Journey to Radical Self-Care with Heritage Inspirations
As the nights grow longer and the Aspens flicker with autumn gold, it is a time to turn inward, peel back the layers of the year, and connect with the elemental rhythms of nature. No place is like New Mexico in the fall. Startling blue skies articulate every ledge and rock formation of our rose hued canyons. Blooming Chamisa recall the golden hues of oil paintings by the Taos Society of Artists and Red-Tailed Hawks trace the archetypal patterns of the widening gyre. This year Heritage Inspirations has developed incredibly poignant experiences designed to connect our guests to the stillness of our land, the cadence of ancient practices, and the sanctuary of self-discovery.

Chaco Canyon Glamping Expeditions
Read about our Chaco Tours in Vogue, American Way Magazine, The New York Times, 360 West Magazine Article, The Dallas News, Adventure Pro Magazine, Cowboys…