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The holiday season has come and gone. Marking the passing of time with years that end and begin with a changing of light – a new trip around the sun – is a blessing. The gathering of family and ritual (whatever yours is) breaks up our daily routines and gives us a chance to step back and take perspective. And yes – the holiday season can also be stressful and challenging. The consumer mindset, the need to have everything be perfect, family dynamics, and for some – loneliness. That brings perspective too.

What have you learned? Where do you want to head? What changes do you need to make? Because we know that if nothing changesnothing changes.


And we ALSO know that “more” doesn’t equal “happier“.

Instead of focusing on what to add in to your schedule, your diet, your routine – which often creates overwhelm and unmet goals… Start this year by subtracting something that is no longer serving you. Make space in your schedule, reduce the amount of sugar you consume, purge items in your closet you no longer use, remove yourself from negative people. Make SPACE for something better, more comfortable, more relaxed, more nutritious. Letting go makes room for something new to be born.

Now is a time for questioning. What do you need to let go of as the year passes? What negative things do you cling to?

Subtract to grow


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