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From the ? of Taos Pueblo

Taos Pueblo is a place where the mind is forced to step into a different time. A place where acknowledgment of the indigenous people and their history, culture and abilities cannot be denied. It’s a foundation for the voices of the untold story, kept from us as children.

Taos PuebloFrom the ? of Taos Pueblo
The Land of Tewa
Taos PuebloFrom the ? of Taos Pueblo

As the visitor walks through the adobe wall alleys, takes in the air and feels the landscape of Taos Pueblo  there is a truth, we are people. As Indigenous people have been misrepresented, we have learned to use an economic base such as Tourism as a foundation to tell our story and hopefully open a door of curiosity for other tribal communities to tell their story. As we move forward we have the opportunity to share the history of our people from our own voice.

Taos Pueblo

creating relationships around us, with other allies has been the best way for us to work in a collective effort to share the story of the area. The partnership between Heritage Inspirations tours and Taos Pueblo has brought this collective effort to another level than what we thought was possible, because  they strive to be authentic and tell the true story.

Bringing the experience to an educational level has allowed the community to work with the concept of Tourism in a much healthier manner.  Tourism can be an invasive creature, sometimes more than we would like. Creating relationships around us, with other allies has been the best way for us to work in a collective effort to share the story of the area.  The partnership between Heritage Inspirations tours and Taos Pueblo has brought this collective effort to another level than what we thought was possible, because they strive to be authentic and tell the true story.

As the Director of Tourism for Taos Pueblo, it can be a tedious accomplishment to strive for finding a balance between economic income and staying true to our authenticity.  For people to understand who we are as people with the identity as Indigenous and all the components that come with carrying the history of our people in our bones, blood, backs, or however we choose.  Working with someone like Angelisa Murray, Owner of Heritage Inspirations, has been a breath of fresh air.  Having someone embrace this story of truth, has been a great accomplishment on our journey to expand Tourism for the Taos Pueblo.  We have been working on content for over five years to ensure the intimate tours provided to her guests are authentic and true and allow for further conversation around Indigenous communities and the land that we live on.

Today, we are finally moving forward from the pandemic and the impacts of Covid-19 on our community.  We can see the challenges Taos as whole has experienced, the need to revive the economic base is clear as you drive through the main street of Taos.  As we move forward, however, the Pueblo continues to keep its doors closed to the public for now.  As Indigenous peoples we have seen devastating impacts from illness in our communities throughout history.  It is in the interest of our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, family and children that we remain closed, for the safety of our people.  Our population has experienced significant impacts from other diseases in our history and we see COVID as the same invader.  I would like to thank Angelisa for her patience with our community as we have made numerous changes to possible opening dates and plans to open.  I appreciate the compassion that we have seen from visitors near and far, although I see and hear the disappointment of not being able to visit us and embrace our home. The decision of when to reopen is a communal decision that will come when the time is right and we feel safe. We have been here for over 1000 years and intend on for time in memorial to continue with our existence.  Tah ah.

We ask for your respect in honoring our timeline and we look forward to sharing these tours with you again when the time is right.

One thought on “From the ? of Taos Pueblo

  1. what a beautiful article. I have visited the Pueblo many years ago and long to get back. I am hoping the time will be right this coming Sept. when I visit the land of enchantment again for my first vacation in 2 years. Many blessing to your people and your wonderful partnership with Angelisa.

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