Here in New Mexico we have a cultural site that rivals Stonehenge and Machu Picchu in scale and historical significance. Chaco Culture Historical Site National Park is home to 13 Great Houses, petroglyphs, dwelling sites, and ceremonial kivas. Built over a period from 800 AD to 1200 AD these complex structures were constructed over generations with laser precision and celestial orientation. The site, revered as a central and sacred chapter in Puebloan history, still raises many questions: where did the Chacoans come from, why did the inhabitants leave, and how did they plan for such ambitious architecture?
Libraries could be filled with books on Chaco Canyon. The buildings were grand and impressive, vessels to behold on the waves of desert plateaus. They were oriented to the stars and heavens, a perfectly placed window could illuminate a ceremonial chamber with a ray of light from the solstice sun. These are the facts, but the rest is a mystery. There is no one understanding of Chaco, no singular definition. It functions as a spiritual mirror: the energy, the life story, the dreams a person puts into Chaco reveals a sacred space of one’s own design.
In this newsletter we visit with Heritage Inspirations owner and founder Angelisa Murray to learn more about her personal journey with Chaco Cultural Historical Site and her passion to create immersive experiences and storytelling stewardship of the land.